Book report of frindle

Students can work on this frindle project individually or in small groups. A creative way for the students to recap their knowledge and understanding of the novel, frindle by andrew clements. I recommend this book to people who love words and grammar and those who dont. Join nick allen at school and invent your own word. For more information on homework hotline please visit. Now over ten years later the elementary school i am currently working at chose frindle for their one book, one school challenge. This proved to be the beginning of nicks experiment with words, as well as his power struggle with mrs. Frindle book project mp1 by sean cavanaugh on prezi. Book report projects reading projects book projects 4th grade books 5th grade reading reading fair 4th grade writing reading club reading skills. The main characters of this realistic fiction, childrens story are. The first edition of the novel was published in september 1st 1996, and was written by andrew clements. It was only three pages long, and it was called nicks new word. Granger seems convinced that frindle will fall out.

This is nothing new for nick, who has made a career out of wreaking creative havoc in school. Nick misses the bus and has to walk home with janet fisk and she finds a fancy gold pen and when she dropped it he picked it up and said here is your frindle. Frindle worksheets and literature unit by andrew clements grades 35 daily reading journal go beyond a simple book report. Granger he has found someone just as bright as he is, and they wage an evenly matched war of wits like a chess game. These notes were contributed by members of the gradesaver community. Were considering expanding this synopsis into a fulllength study guide to deepen your comprehension of the book and why its important. The book concludes by flashing forward ten years to a successful nick allen, who becomes quite wealthy with his frindle trust fund. Frindle by andrew clements teachers introduction frindle is a book in the realistic fiction genre.

It got me hooked on all the books written by andrew clements. I loved the book so much after reading it, that i read it as a teacherreadaloud, then a whole class read my first few years of teaching 4th grade. Soon, much of the nation is crazy about frindles except for mrs. Andrew clements often writes books about the lives of ordinary kids. Frindle is a 1996 middlegrade chapter book by childrens novelist andrew clements and. After reading frindle, students write a script and perform a commercial persuading others to read it too. And then the lincoln elementary school was not happy about it. Start studying frindle study guide questionsanswers. Andrew clements booklist andrew clements message board. So when i got the idea for frindle, i tried to write that story as picture book, too. This onepage guide includes a plot summary and brief analysis of frindle by andrew clements. Pdf frindle book by andrew clements free download 105. Frindle advertisement book report signs and products were made in the story promoting the word frindle.

Even though frindle is never predictable, each moment unfolds as it should. Frindle study guide questionsanswers flashcards quizlet. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The frindle community note includes chapterbychapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography. Granger started a war with the kids and nicholas about the word frindle. In fifth grade language arts, he is more creative than his very strict teacher, mrs. In the book, frindle, how much time was left in class when mrs. The word takes off and becomes a worldwide phenomenon thanks in part to businessman bud lawrence, who markets frindle products and gives nick a cut of the profits. Frindle is a word nick makes up just to bug his fifthgrade teacher, whos a dictionary demon. Frindle is about a little boy named nick allen in fifth grade. This worksheet has eight multiple choice, short answer, and truefalse. Frindle first of all andrew clements is a very talented author.

Events nick has to give an oral report on where all of the words in the dictionary came from. But frindle book report questio still, their inability to write strong essays and other types of papers could affect their academic frindle book report questio performance, making it very challenging to maintain good grades. When nick gets to fifth grade, he meets his match mrs. Frindle is an american childrens novel written by andrew clements, illustrated by brian selznick, and published by aladdin in 1996. Have fun marketing and selling your own frindle tshirts just like in the book frindle by andrew clements. Frindle is about a fourthgrade boy named nick who has a reputation for making life difficult for teachers by doing small things that annoy them. Supersummary, a modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes, offers highquality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. When nick makes the word frindle, a battle of the words begins with mrs. The problem was that nicholas allen made a new word called frindle. Tale of creative troublemaker a surefire winner with kids. If possible, invite another class for a dress rehearsal or record for. Granger, nicks teacher, who, although she doesnt realize it, was the inspiration for the idea. Frindle, by andrew clements, follows the story of nicholas nick allen, a fifth grader in 1987 who generates a new name for a pena frindle after asking his teacher, mrs.

Shes managed to make it to the fifth grade without anyone figuring out that shes not just an ordinary kid, and she. Reading frindle with your students and wondering how to make boring book reports fun. It was the winner of the 2016 phoenix award, which is granted by the childrens literature association to the best englishlanguage childrens book that did not win a major award when it was published twenty years earlier. It is a book about kids just like you, and has familiar settings like home and school. In frindle, precocious fifthgrader nick tries to irritate his teacher, mrs. Nick looks up dictionary in both the adult and childrens encyclopedias and then comes up with one of his big ideas. The printables on this page were created to go along with andrew clements novel, frindle. And when im writing this sentence it shows frindle is mistake. This is a complete lesson to use throughout the book frindle. He gets the other students in his school to use the word as well, and this causes a big disruption in the school.

Of all nicks ideas, the frindle is his most successful. This is a book that makes you start over on the first page as soon as youve finished the last just because it makes you feel so good. Frindle is about how nick allen invents a new word for pen, frindle. Consistent therefore, the pronoun and the responding task ranging from such psychological factors as oversized classes, inadequate facilities, and poor posture slumped shoulders suggest a reports frindle book race of ants with a brief definition of a story, for the students learned the hard way. Granger with the note she wrote to him ten years ago and a new dictionary updated to officially include the word frindle. This lesson will provide you with ideas on how to spruce up. Granger into wasting time on the first day of school, has to prepare a report on. This is a book that my 9yearold son and i read aloud before bedtime over a few weeks. Centering around a fifthgrade boy who invents a new word for what is normally called a pen, leading to a series of unexpected events and a growing battle with school authorities. Nicholas is a bright boy who likes to make trouble at school, creatively. He is inspired to invent this word after he does a report on the dictionary, and begins to wonder where words come from. While there are many wonderful ideas on how to use this novel within a lan. Literature circle guide to frindle by andrew clements.

Grangers vocabulary homework and then turns to his report. He just started fifth grade and his new teacher is. As a teacher i love reading this book with my students. Literature circle guide to frindle by andrew clements book summary mrs. In the real world too, a recent online search of wiktionary brings up frindle. My book report on frindle by jacqueline yipp when the story first starts, the author explains how nick, an average, ordinary kid, loves to be funny and practical.

Granger is notorious among all the fifth grade teachers for being strict, yes, but mostly for her love of words and of the dictionary. Worksheets include reading comprehension questions, a word search puzzle, bookmarks, a literature circle packet, writing prompts, and vocabulary activities. Nick allen is a basically good kid with an exceptional imagination. I was first introduced to the book frindle in a college elem. Granger who is just as smart as he is, by getting everyone in the class to replace the word pen with frindle, he unleashes a series of events that rapidly spins out of control. The book was published in multiple languages including english, consists of 105 pages and is available in paperback format. The book name is frindle the author is andrew clements. The majority of the story frindle takes place at school, and we all know how central report cards are to education. For a book report idea students will love, have them choose a form of advertisement, such as.

Frindle by andrew clements paperback book the parent store. We had so much fun working though our frindle books. Read it one evening when youre depressed or worn out or fed up its a tonic. Get an answer for what is a short plot summary of the book frindle by andrew clements. Most of these ideas are ways to make school more fun and also to get out of homework. Free frindle worksheets and literature unit for teachers.

See the progress your students make while they are reading. And i think from now on im going to choose frindle. Every year, he would do something creative, from creating a tropical island to peeping once a week. Free download or read online frindle pdf epub book. She is constantly making the students look up words in the dictionary. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. When he decides to torment his fifthgrade english teacher, mrs. Frindle book report form pdf file customize the frindle book report frindle.

He is also the illustrator of the paperback edition of the landry news, the janitors boy, the school story, a week in the woods, the report card, the last holiday concert, and the new york times bestseller lunch money. Frindle book reports for professional school admission paper sample. Precocious ifthgrader nick challenges his teacher by inventing a new word, frindle. Nick is wanted for interviews with all of the most popular television shows and in all the most popular magazines and the word frindle spreads nationwide. Frindle is a 1996 middlegrade chapter book by childrens novelist andrew clements and illustrated by brian selznick. Granger over what constituted a real word in the first place. The frindle community note includes chapterbychapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you.